Exchange, Return and Refund Policy
Goods purchased are not returnable, in which there are some cases where they can be exchanged, returned, or refunded under the following conditions:
Complete equipment sold within 5 days, If defective, it will be exchanged but the goods must be intact, with the box, accessories, and no scratches.
For components sold within 5 days, not soldered, attached to the same condition as when purchased, will be exchanged for another of the same type.
Goods, equipment, and components are exchanged provided that they are still within the warranty period.
The return and refund in condition: All products and goods we sell are 100% genuine with other information related to the product attached by the manufacturer. 
If the goods sold are not as committed, we will refund 100% of the value of the product and other costs related to the purchase, sale, and transportation of the purchased product.